Making Wise Decisions

Making Wise Decisions

Be Resourceful During Slow Times The decision to slash personnel may have the biggest long-term impact on many dealerships and it might not create the anticipated effect. In the short run, it does reduce expenses, but at what cost? The hardest thing to replace in a...
Marketing to Potential Employees

Marketing to Potential Employees

Change the perception of what it means to work in the retail automotive industry. Marketing to your customers is a given these days, but do you have a strategy to market to your potential employees? Just like good potential customers, good potential employees can be...
Minimize HR Headaches with a Discipline Policy

Minimize HR Headaches with a Discipline Policy

We hate to discipline our children but we know it’s in their best interest to do so. We do our best to make sure we provide consistent discipline, especially when we have multiple children. The same philosophy applies to your dealership. As much as we hate the fact...
Stop Punishing Your Staff

Stop Punishing Your Staff

Sentencing your sales staff to an afternoon in front of the TV or computer is no way to motivate them. Meeting with dealers all over the country has given me a collection of enough real-life examples to illustrate just about any lesson. Here’s one that still makes me...
Training: Stop Wasting Money on New Hires

Training: Stop Wasting Money on New Hires

You’ve just hired a new employee. You have no formal training program in place in the dealership for this position, just the basic new hire meeting. The new hire will begin work on Monday and a training class, specific to the job you are asking them to perform, is...
The Elements of a Team

The Elements of a Team

Do you have the right mix? There are two common questions I’m asked about teams. The first, “How do you feel about being on a team?” Which is a crazy question to me. We are all members of different teams in life – family, sports, religious groups, communication...