CMETRICS are not data points on a chart. I won’t be boring you with big data or complex theories. The CMETRICS I’m talking about are specific things that you should be looking for when attempting to find your next hire. CMETRICS is simply an acronym to help you remember the following things you need to look for in your hire:
Mission Motivator
Solution Driven
These are the individuals you want as managers in your store. Let’s look at these individually, and how to uncover them in the interview process.
The most underrated quality. Dealer’s never ask me for this, but they should. Inspiration is different than motivation. I can be motivated to do things out of fear – fear of loss, fear of the negative consequences. I’m usually motivated to do whatever it is because I must or feel an obligation to.
However, if I’m inspired to do something it’s because I WANT to. When I want to do something, I give 100% to it. I will be passionate about it. The desire and passion will drive me to get others to join me. I will work hard to get them to see my perspective, to get them working with me, to get them to buy into what I believe. These individuals can provide a vision that their team can believe in and thereby the team can be inspired to work toward a common cause, often against huge obstacles.
Think of it like this – I don’t get inspired to go to the dentist. I might be motivated to go if I have a toothache because the pain is too much.
Inspiration is rooted in the positive. I get inspired to perform at a high level when I can envision the positive outcome, when I’m excited about accomplishing something. Whereas motivation is often the “push” that causes things to get done – by providing reasons. Inspiration is the pull. The need an individual has to perform well because they the passion and desire to.
How do you find the inspired employees in the interview process?
This may be the toughest of all. You probably have some feedback already if you asked questions about goals and achievements, but you can ask a few more question.
You just set a dealership goal of selling xx units in the next month. That volume is more than has been sold in a month. How do you get your team to do the “impossible”? Do they first describe how they can envision getting to the goal?
“Tell me something you did for the dealership (or previous employer) without anyone asking you to do it?” Inspired individuals often see opportunities and act upon them without being told to do so. You need some inspired managers on your team.
Next week, I’ll discuss compatibility and how to find it in potential employees. If you missed last week’s post about the reliability, click here to catch up!